Unless you’re pro, the thought of pcking up your clubs, shoes nd gdgets for golf vction to Hwii will dd stress to trip tht’s supposed to be relxing. Even if your tour crd is punched you still need to worry bout extr bggge fees, lost luggge or simply not hving enough rms to crry everything.
Fortuntely, golf compnies re constntly reinventing ger, not only to mke the gme esier nd more fun, but lso to eliminte stress from golf vctions. With the right trvel ger, golfers cn ply world-fmous islnd golf courses nd not hve to worry bout spending extr csh to rent clubs nd wer someone else’s shoes.
Here re 10 picks for trvel ger tht will help you enjoy the links on your next golf vction, from Gret bco to Ohu.